Tina Waldo
After interning with Tuohy Minor Kruse in January 2016, Paralegal Tina Waldo joined the firm permanently in June 2016. Tina has a BA in Pre-Law/Paralegal Studies from Central Washington University and an Advanced Paralegal Certificate from Edmonds Community College. She predominantly supports attorney Melanie Griffin with family law matters but also assists other attorneys as needed on estate planning, probate, and real estate matters. Tina appreciates that, from day one, all team members have been welcoming and friendly. Although it’s a law firm, which is serious by nature, she loves that they still have fun, and it feels like working with family.
An avid Boston Red Sox fan, Tina enjoys going to baseball games with her husband—even if it’s watching the Mariners. She also loves reading, going to the movies, attending concerts, and spending time with family and friends. Tina volunteers at Snohomish County Legal Services with Deane Minor as well as at her church, where she teaches Sunday School to 3- to 5-year-olds.